Clinic Fees

Fees for Services Per Sample

All samples have a "Basic Sample Fee" unless otherwise stated. The basic fee covers our standard diagnostic and identification procedures for plant diseases, plant problems and insect identification. Includes initial sample evaluation, microscopic examination, routine cultures for fungal and bacterial pathogens and management suggestions, if needed.  Also includes examination of images submitted as samples for identification of plant diseases and disorders and pests affecting the sample. If multiple sample types are sent in to the clinic each sample will be given a separate sample number.

Checks need to be made out to The Ohio State University

Basic Plant Health Analysis (Physical Samples) - $20

Services covered by this fee include:

  • Visual Examination
  • Moist Chamber
  • Culturing
  • Microscopic Examination
  • Arthopod (Insects etc.) Identification

Additional Tests & Fees 

(Cost is added to basic sample fee)

  • Serological testing* ---$20.00
  • Xylella fastidiosa ----$35.00 (after the 5th sample the cost is 20.00 $ per additional sample)
  • Electron Microscopy ----85.00
  • Oak wilt     $35.00  (after the 5th sample the cost is 20.00 $ per additional samples)
  • General Phytoplasma  $ 35.00
  • Rose Rosette Virus  $40.00

Contact PPDC for availability and ordering of specific tests

  • Out-of-State Service Charge----$50.00

Insect Identification - $20

Nematode Analysis

  • Soybean Cyst Nematode---$20.00*
  • Pine Wood Assay Nematode ---$20.00*
  • Other (Vermiform) Nematode---$40.00*

*Excludes the "Basic Sample Fee" Samples requiring nematode analysis and other plant disease diagnostics are subject to both Nematode analysis fees and Basic Sample Fees.

Turfgrass and Lawns

  • Ohio General Turf Samples---$30.00
  • Commercial Turf Samples---$50.00
  • Turf Nematode Assay---$60.00
  • Out-of-State Turf---$100.00

Contact PPDC for availability and ordering of specific tests