Good afternoon, clients of the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic. We are excited to announce that we are now accepting credit card payment for diagnostic samples processed by the Clinic, CFAES Wooster campus.
The Clinic process samples from commercial production (vegetable, floriculture, ornamental, fruit, hops, and field crops), from commercial landscaping companies and arborists, and from non-commercial and landscape clients (homeowners or backyard gardeners, landscape ornamentals),
Sample can be submitted to the following address:
C. Wayne Ellett OSU Plant and Pest Plant Diagnostic Clinic
c/o Dr. Francesca Rotondo
234 Selby Hall
1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44691
Sample drop-off can be coordinated with Dr. Rotondo: Phone: (330-263-3721) | Email:
Any turfgrass/lawn samples, commercial or residential, can still be sent to the turf clinic. See this link for details.