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OSU Outreach Program Teaches Central Ohio Youth About Agriculture
the Department of Entomology, pulls an insect from a clear plastic container for a group of attentive ... "ooh" and "ahh." Well, not exactly. The insect, which looks intimidating, is actually ... display, where students learned about various insects and their role in nature, was just one of nearly 20 ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-03
continuous corn. Benefits to growing corn in rotation with soybean include less disease and insect buildup, ... nitrogen supply. Soil samples should be collected in mid to late-May to a depth of one foot. Fields with ... resistance now joins YieldGard Plus and Herculex Xtra as transgenic corn hybrids able to manage both insect ...
Drought-Stressed Corn Struggling to Produce a Crop
have just basically caused the plants to shut down," he said. Add insect pressure to the mix and ... insect problems. The beetles are clipping off the silks and feeding on the pollen, so there are no silks ... to pollinate," said Thomison. "For many farmers, insect pressure is another nail in the ...
Cooperative Weather, Good Practices Lead to Potential Record-Breaking Season
outstanding, cooperating weather and low insect and disease pressures can show how good a variety really ... insects, and fertility and seeding rates. And when we have good weather, we end up with fantastic ... corn crop is also performing well due to a combination of the environmental conditions and low insect ...
Benefits of Organic Mulching Extend Below the Soil Surface
and insects and increasing plant growth. "Whether or not organic mulches applied to the soil ... they have a dramatic effect on soil fertility and plant health, including warding off insect pests and ... pallets did increase the resistance of mulched plants against various insect pests. "Homeowners need ...
A Night in the Forest- 2nd Friday Series
with wildlife biologists to listen for a wide array of animals from amphibians and insects to owls and ...
A Night in the Forest- 2nd Friday Series
with wildlife biologists to listen for a wide array of animals from amphibians and insects to owls and ...
A Night in the Forest- 2nd Friday Series
with wildlife biologists to listen for a wide array of animals from amphibians and insects to owls and ...
A Night in the Forest- 2nd Friday Series
with wildlife biologists to listen for a wide array of animals from amphibians and insects to owls and ...
A Night in the Forest- 2nd Friday Series
with wildlife biologists to listen for a wide array of animals from amphibians and insects to owls and ...