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  1. Nutrient Management Workbook

    information is also taken into account. It is recommended to have soil samples pulled every three years and ...

  2. Andy Michel

    Andy Michel State Specialist, Entomology Entomology 210 Thorne OARDC-Wooster Wooster, OH 44691 330-263-3730 ...

  3. 4-H Helps Teen Transcend Learning Disability, Provides Beeline for Successful Future

    between them — Jacob’s first project was in meteorology, followed by two insect projects. “Then when I was ...

  4. Lyme Disease and Other Tick-Carried Diseases on the Rise in Ohio

    most cases of Lyme disease. If a blood sample is taken from a person too early in the disease, it can ...

  5. Southwestern Ohio Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crop Conference Is Feb. 2

    Integrated Pest Management: An Update on Research and Management of Pumpkins. Biological Control of Insects ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-40

    was negligible – averaging no more than 5% at any location. Diseases and insect pests were generally ... as new information about the value of biotech events in seeds for weed and insect control in Ohio. ... Managing Herbicide Systems, Managing Risk Given High Input Cost and Commodity Prices, Insects of Concern in ...

  7. Reaccreditation Process of Forestry Curriculums Underway

    3222 students sampling during field trip. Photo courtesy of David M. Hix.   Forestry David Hix ...

  8. Software for Developing Nutrient Management Plans Workshop

    programs such as EQUIP. The training will use a sample farm to demonstrate the utilization of these two ...

  9. SSOP Models

    if necessary, more often.       3. Established procedures for insect and rodent control include: ...   a.     Insect and rodent traps will be maintained in non-food handling areas.  All areas (dry storage ... rooms, coolers, processing rooms, etc.) will be checked for visible rodent droppings and insects.   4. ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-10

    had problems with slugs in the past should be sampling their fields over the next few weeks, checking ... However, egg sampling and knowing which fields have a higher damage potential will aid you in managing your ... relationship of the pest with the damaged alfalfa. The potential exists for the insect to be more damaging to ...
