Brambles include plants such as blackberries and raspberries.
All samples require a Plant Diagnostic Request Form
Sampling Instructions:
- Examine plants to assess symptoms and distribution. Complete the Plant Diagnostic Request Form and include it with the sample in a separate zip-seal bag.
- Collect a representative symptomatic sample that fully describes observed problem. The entire plant may be needed for the most accurate diagnosis, especially with vascular and root rot pathogens. Digging out the plant helps preserve integrity of root system.
- Submit a generous amount of plant material, or multiple plants (seedlings, etc.). Samples from different plant species should be bagged separately and labeled. A mixture of living tissue and necrotic tissue is needed to isolate the pathogen and diagnose the disease. Do not send dried or dead plants.
- Leaf or Cane Samples: Make the sampling cut several inches below the last visible symptoms of the problem. Include the transition from affected to unaffected tissue. Send multiple canes showing the range of symptoms from early to late stages. Place the sample in a zip-seal bag as soon as it is collected. Do not use paper bags.
- Berry Samples: Separate berry samples from roots and top growth material and place in a paper bag as soon collected.
- Entire Plant Samples: Dig a declining, but not completely dead, plant so that the fine feeder roots are included in the sample. Some of the clinging soil can be gently shaken from the roots. Place the root system in a bag and tie it off at the base of the plant or wrap the root system in foil or plastic wrap to that the soil does not contaminate the leaves.
- Place the sample in a crush-proof box with sufficient packing material and mail using next-day or two-day shipping, or deliver the sample in-person to minimize temperature damage.
- Write “Live plant Sample” on the outside of the box
- Photos of the problem in the field are always helpful and may be emailed to
Mailing Address:
C. Wayne Ellett OSU Plant and Pest Plant Diagnostic Clinic
c/o Dr. Francesca Rotondo
234 Selby Hall
1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44691
Sample Drop-off:
Must be coordinated with Dr. Rotondo: Phone: (330-263-3721) | Email: