
Strawberries from residential gardens or commercial grow operations.

All samples require a Plant Diagnostic Request Form

Sampling Instructions:

  • Examine plants to assess symptoms and distribution. Complete the Plant Diagnostic Request Form and include it with the sample in a separate zip-seal bag.
  • Dig a declining, but not completely dead, plant(s) so that the fine feeder roots are included in the sample. Some of the clinging soil can be gently shaken from the roots. 
  • Place the root system in a bag and tie it off at the base of the plant or wrap the root system in foil or plastic wrap to that the soil does not contaminate the leaves.
  • Place the sample in a crush-proof box with sufficient packing material and mail using next-day or two-day shipping, or deliver the sample in-person to minimize temperature damage. 
  • Write “Live plant Sample” on the outside of the box
  • Photos of the problem in the field are always helpful and may be emailed to

Mailing Address:
C. Wayne Ellett OSU Plant and Pest Plant Diagnostic Clinic 
c/o Dr. Francesca Rotondo
234 Selby Hall
1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44691

Sample Drop-off:
Must be coordinated with Dr. Rotondo: Phone: (330-263-3721) | Email: