
Seedlings or Plug Trays

All samples require a Plant Diagnostic Request Form

  • Examine plants to assess symptoms and distribution. Complete the request form with as much detail as possible including site information, pesticide applications, and the symptoms of concern. Include it with the sample in a separate zip-seal bag.
  • Send the entire plant(s) including the roots, or entire plug tray that shows a range of damage or symptoms. 
  • Place the sample in a crush-proof box with sufficient packing material to eliminate movement in the box (see photo) and mail using next-day or two-day shipping, or deliver the sample in-person to minimize temperature damage. 
  • Write “Live plant Sample” on the outside of the box
  • Photos of the problem in the field are always helpful and may be emailed to


Mailing Address:
C. Wayne Ellett OSU Plant and Pest Plant Diagnostic Clinic 
c/o Dr. Francesca Rotondo
234 Selby Hall
1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44691

Sample Drop-off:
Must be coordinated with Dr. Rotondo: Phone: (330-263-3721) | Email: