Sending the entire plant for diagnosis is always best. Each situation is different, and we understand that sending an entire plant may not always be an an option.
Entire Plant
Complete a Plant Diagnostic Form with as much detail as possible including site information, pesticide applications, and the symptoms of concern.
Send the entire plant (including the roots). Wrap the roots in a large plastic bag and secure with string to keep soil off the foliage of the plant.
If possible pack the plant securely in a box that is large enough to hold the entire plant. Placing newspaper or other packing materials around the branches of the plant eliminates movement in the box. Large samples may be delivered to the Clinic. Please call ahead before dropping off a sample.
- Seal your completed Plant Diagnostic Form in a separate plastic bag and place in shipping box.
- Seal the box and ship using next day delivery service.
Select the part of the plant to be sent. If only declining branches will be sent, be sure to include multiple branches showing the symptoms and the transition zone on each branch sent.
The transition zone is the area between dead and healthy plant tissue. Trace backward or forward from an area of dead leaves or needles to an area of green leaves or needles.
Package the branches in a box, large enough so the branches do not need to be broken.
Newspaper can be used to cushion the branches during shipping. Tightly pack the newspaper under, on top, and around the branches being sent to ensure an intact sample is received by the Clinic.
Place the completed Plant Diagnostic Form in a separate plastic bag, and place the bag inside the box to be shipped.
Seal the box and ship using next day delivery service.

- Dig down into the surrounding soil about 6 to 8 inches to find plant roots.
- Once roots are found, dig them out (pruners may be useful). Fill a 1 quart plastic bag. Include soil if needed.
- Do not send completely dead roots. Try to find roots with a transitional area, from living to dead. Look for white or cream colored roots that transition to brown or black. Some woody ornamental plants have naturally dark roots. Using your fingernail, peel away the outer layer of the roots to expose root tissue and to check for color.
- Do not add water to the bag.
- Place the completed Plant Diagnostic Form in a separate plastic bag, and place the bag inside the box to be shipped.
- Seal the box and ship using next day delivery service.
Samples submitted digitally:
Send completed submission form and include as an attachment with relevant digital images in an email message to
Click for more Digital Sample submission details.
Samples mailed:
C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Plant Diagnostic Clinic
Ohio State CFAES Wooster Campus
c/o Dr. Francesca Rotondo
234 Selby Hall, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44691
Samples hand-delivered:
Requires coordination with Dr. Rotondo: (330-263-3721) |